
International Office
20 Teachers delegation trained in Germany
09-08     (点击: )

  In 2015 the college sent 20 core teachers to Germany for 14 days “Embedded Training”. Teachers studied through seminars, teaching observation, class interaction and curriculum discussion. The training took place in institutes and enterprises: Freie Universitt Berlin, Berlin AVT vocational education center, VW Dresden training factory, Université technique de Dresde, Dresden Porsche Center and IHK. The content of studies included German vocational system, Ausbildungsordnungen, formulating of framework teaching plan, 6 core principles of “Dual System, curriculum development and study area setting.




(Translator: Qian Kun)



上一条:Director Zhu Zhanbin attended training in Canada
下一条:Vice President Zhang Yongliang attend training in Canada